TACC 2024

17 - 18 Dec Constantine, Algeria
Tunisian-Algerian Conference on applied Computing.

About TACC 2024

Tunisian-Algerian Conference on applied Computing (TACC 2024) is an ideal platform for keeping up with advances and changes to a consistently evolving field. Leading researchers and industry experts will be presenting the latest studies through papers and oral presentations. This conference edition is dedicated to the study of applied research of real-world problems. It aims to address, through two tracks, both theoretical and applied computer science issues. In addition, a one-day workshop will be held in conjunction with the conference which will focus on the system of systems architecture and applications.

Recent Research in fundamental & Applied Computing

This general track is dedicated to computer scientists, engineers, and practitioners to present their findings and research results in various areas of computer theories & applications. Its mission is to further the interests of researchers, educators, students, and industries, engaged in the design and development of new computing methods, languages and tools, computing applications, etc. This event provides an avenue to discuss and exchange new ideas in a wide spectrum of application areas. We all recognize the importance of keeping up with the latest developments in our current areas of expedites.
This general conference track invites papers from the following fields, but is not limited to :

Guidelines Submissions

Authors are invited to submit their original research papers to TACC 2024, adhering to the provided formatting and submission instructions. Papers should not exceed 08 pages and must be written in English, submitted as PDF files. Submissions must be original, not overlapping with previously published or concurrently submitted papers. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed; and they will be selected based on originality, quality, soundness and relevance. The CMT conference management system will handle all paper submissions. Authors should create an account, follow the instructions on the system, and select the appropriate submission category. All submissions must be conform to the TACC 2024 formatting and submission instructions (for both LaTeX and Word users) that correspond to the one column style for CEUR-WS.

Camera Ready template

Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings, and selected high-quality papers may be considered for publication in reputable journals. For inquiries, please contact Dr. Zakaria BENZADRI Email: zakaria.benzadri@univ-constantine2.dz.

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed; and they will be selected based on originality, quality, soundness and relevance.

Submission System

Important Dates

  • Paper submission deadline: 10 September 2024   18 October 2024 (Extended)
  • Notification of acceptance: 08 November 2024
  • Camera-ready paper due: 06 December 2024
  • Registration deadline: 06 December 2024
  • Conference date: 17 - 18 December 2024


Honorary Chairs

Conference General Chairs

Program Chairs

Organizing Committee Chairs

Organizing Committee

Program Committee (TBC)


TACC 2024 conference registration includes access to the scientific program, conference/satellite events, presentation/attendance, coffee breaks, and lunches. At least one author of each accepted paper must register before the deadline (06/12/2024), participate in the conference (either in-person or virtually), and present the paper.

Registration Form : Registration Form Link


Nardjes Bouchamak Siari
Associate Professor
University Center of Mila, Mila, Algeria.
Samir Ouchani
Research Director
CESI Engineering School, Aix-en-Provence, France.
Kheireddine Lamamra
Full Professor
University of Larbi Ben Mhidi, Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.
Victor Chang
Full Professor
Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Carlos Juiz García
Full Professor
University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Yassine Hadj Kacem
Associate Professor
University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia.


Day 1 Agenda Coming Soon...

Day 2 Agenda Coming Soon...

Day 3 Agenda Coming Soon...



Constantine is the city of the bridges, it was built on a rock of more than 600 meters of altitude, surrounded by deep ravines, crossed by Rhimel, all this gave to the city his power of citadel. Constantine city is the capital of eastern Algeria and the centre of its region. Slightly inland, it is about 80 kilometers from the Mediterranean coast, on the banks of Rhimel river. It is the third largest city in the country after Algiers and Oran. There are museums and important historical sites around the city (one of the most beautiful ones is the Palais du Bey, in the casbah).
Places to see:

  • Ahmed Bey Palace (Tourist Visit).
  • Bridges (Tourist Visit).
  • Emir Abdelkader Mosque (Tourist Visit).
  • Tomb of Massinissa.
  • Palace of Ahmed Bey.
  • Ruins of the Antonian Roman aqueduct.
  • Roman city of Tiddis.

  • The conference will be held at Constantine 2 University
    By Plane

    Mohamed Boudiaf International Airport. 9km (5miles) from city center.

    By Car

    425 km from Tunis, Tunisia

    515 km from Sfax, Tunisia


    The weather in Constantine is usually variable from year to year. Summers are mostly hot and dry, but milder than the Saharan hinterland. It barely rains in July and August. The average temperatures for this season is 28.2 °C. Winters are mostly rainy and cold. Snow is possible during this time of the year. The average temperature for this season is 7.4 °C.


    The TACC 2024 conference is supported by LABEX-TA Laboratory "Laboratoire Mixte d’Excellence Scientifique Tuniso-Algérien : Méthodes Formelles pour le Génie Logiciel". This laboratory is financed by the ministries of higher education and scientific research in Tunisia and Algeria.

    For more information, please visit the following Web site: http://labex-ta.redcad.tn.