Authors are invited to submit their original research papers to TACC
2024, adhering to the provided formatting and submission instructions.
Papers should not exceed 08 pages and must be written in English,
submitted as PDF files. Submissions must be original, not overlapping
with previously published or concurrently submitted papers. All
submitted papers will be peer-reviewed; and they will be selected based
on originality, quality, soundness and relevance. The CMT conference
management system will handle all paper submissions. Authors should
create an account, follow the instructions on the system, and select the
appropriate submission category.
All submissions must be conform to the TACC 2024 formatting and submission instructions (for both LaTeX and Word users) that correspond to the one column style for CEUR-WS.
Camera Ready template
Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings, and selected high-quality papers may be considered for publication in reputable journals. For inquiries, please contact Dr. Zakaria BENZADRI Email:
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed; and they will be selected based on originality, quality, soundness and relevance.
Submission System